We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life.But those who make their journey home across time & miles,growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them,are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands.

--- Kristi Larson

September 27, 2007

Wait on the Lord or Take a Leap of Faith?

Our ice cream social was not nearly what we hoped it would be. We did have a couple friends and a few neighborhood kids come, but that was all. Unfortunately it seemed everyone had other plans, but the good news is that we still made a small profit and didn't loose money on it. We are still hoping to put on another much bigger fundraiser, but we have not gotten permission to do so at the church yet. Please pray that they would allow us to do something there. A wonderful friend-of-a-friend is going to make a quilt or two for us to raffle off and has offered her time and materials for free, what a blessing! As far as letters go, we have only received three back, but are very grateful for those who responded, thank you. Jared has been offered some drafting "side jobs", we are looking into getting a paper rout for a few months, and all of the money I make from personal training is going to go strait to the adoption fund. So, hopefully with all of that we will earn what we need. That is the update on fundraising, but we do have some other interesting news. After talking with the couple in our church who is adopting from Ethiopia as well, we found out that the agency they used will let us apply now. This came as a surprise to us. Now we have some praying to do about which agency to use and whether to wait on the Lord for more funds or take a leap of faith and apply now. Prayers for that would be appreciated as well. That's all the news for now.


Anonymous said...

As always you guys are in our prayers! I know things haven't quite gone like you had hoped, but like we talked about... this just means God will do something much more amazing to make this come together. I can't wait to see God's plans. What a testimony you will have! Hang in there and keep us updated!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates! I just read in my devotional about how God uses pauses and interruptions to test our patience and our obedience. So, just keep being obedient to Him and patient, and He'll be faithful to give you the desires of your heart. It's hard to do when there's something so precious at the end of the wait, but everything is better in God's timing. I love hearing how He's already been there for you along this route!
Love ya,'