We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life.But those who make their journey home across time & miles,growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them,are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands.

--- Kristi Larson

February 12, 2008

Let's Thank Him in Advance

This post is one I wrote over a week ago, just have not had time to post it. Our Sunday message was about how we connect with God, and I was inspired to write about how I've been connecting with Him lately. I have never felt more connected to the Lord than on this journey of adoption. To quote a movie I like "Food has lost its taste...colors seem dull." This is how I have been feeling about "ordinary life" Even though Christmas was fun its magical allure was dimmed this year compared to the excitement of being "on duty" for God. My life has never felt more meaningful and purposeful than it does right now. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean we aren't experiencing or expecting trials. Quite the opposite is true; we know this journey will bring extra challenges but we aren't as afraid of the hard times because we have to be so reliant of God. I have been filled with the joy that comes from seeing God in action and thought I'd just share that joy with all who care to read our blog. boc

The title of this post comes from a radio sermon that I heard a few weeks ago. There was a story about a man who heard the call to become a missionary in a cannibalistic part of Africa. He left is wife and children at home and as he boarded the boat to leave he wrote a letter to his wife. He talked about his plans and how hard it would be, but then he said "Let us thank Him [God] in advance for what he is going to do.” I thought that was very powerful, and a great way to view our mission! So we are thanking Him in advance for the financial, safety, and timing provisions He is going to give us.

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