We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life.But those who make their journey home across time & miles,growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them,are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands.

--- Kristi Larson

February 14, 2008

A Great Link We Should All Read!

The day I first read this article I also saw some videos of starving children in Africa. I had a broken heart day for the hungry children of the world. God let my heart break and I cried as visions of tiny little hungry bodies filled my head. I just wanted to pray that God would send down food for each of them so they would never be without. Sometimes I feel so sad that my garage is a bigger and better shelter than many people's homes. As I sit here and type this my 1 1/2 year old daughter is looking out the window saying "Big houses...big windows" how right she is, we are blessed. I'm grateful for our opportunity to help give at least one child a home where he will never no hunger or poverty, what a blessing, I just wish we could do more...and I'm sure in some way we will.

1 comment:

Our journey said...

My heart continually breaks for these children and sometimes adopting just one seems so insignificant with the millions that need families, but I always remember the starfish story. If you don't know what I am talking about, check it out here http://www.cedu.niu.edu/~fulmer/starfish.htm. You never know the plans the Lord has for you and I know there are other things we can do if we open our hearts to His voice and listen.
