We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life.But those who make their journey home across time & miles,growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them,are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands.

--- Kristi Larson

February 16, 2008

No Homestudy on Friday

We did not end up having our second interview this Friday :( Our agent had to cancel, but hopefully we will get it done next week! Since the homestudy is the only thing left to do we are anxious to be one of the "Dossiers in office" on the bi-weekly emails from Martha. Please be praying that we get done soon since we are starting to feel a little bit of a time crunch with our dossier due date.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about not having your Homestudy. I'm sure it's a dissapointment, but I'm also sure you know that God is in control and he has it all worked out. Thanks for keeping us all updated... it is such a blessing to go through this "with" you!
Love you guys!!
The Chess family

Michael and Michelle said...

Oh man...that's a bummer! I sure hope you can have your second visit this coming up week.
Keep us up-to-date on your progress!

C said...

Sorry to hear that the homestudy was canceled. Thank you for the email. hope you had a great V day! Praying for your family, daily!! Thank you for the friendship!

Our journey said...

Sorry to hear about the cancellation. The wait can be hard and sometimes disappointing, but remember God's plans will not happen even one day late!


stacnjul said...

We just got back in town and read about your home study, yeah that your almost done!!!! I know it's hard when there are delays, just remember that God has it all perfectly planned:) We just met with Martha on Sat, too fun! I also spoke with the other family adopting her in town, Yeah!!!