We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life.But those who make their journey home across time & miles,growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them,are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands.

--- Kristi Larson

October 27, 2008


So I escaped being tagged for 12 months then right when we got extremely busy and got our referral I was tagged twice by two different friends :) So I'm just now getting to it. 7 things about me:

1. I am a health nut! We follow a mostly vegan diet and LOVE good food. I do have a sweet tooth though see #3.

2. I love big dangley fancy earrings. This is really the only type of jewelry that I really wear much besides my wedding ring.

3. I LOVE sweets, candy, cake, brownies you name it I like it (except pumpkin pie). My theory is I will eat healthy all day and reward myself with a small piece of dessert at night...life's too short to not enjoy! P.S. I have a wonderful vegan cookie recipe

4. I HATE shopping!!! For food it is okay, but anything else I hate.

5. I'm a terrible traveler. Yeah, I know, my poor husband on our trip to ET. I feel for him already

6. I love my friends and family deeply, passionately and loyally.

7. Jesus is the driving force in my life and he has given me the gifts of mercy and encouragement. I do my best each day to use these gifts to help those that he lays on my heart.

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